Speaking engagements

As a seasoned therapist, I have observed human beings from many different angles and sought answers to questions that most people misunderstand or shy away from. I've made countless media appearances, presented to audiences ranging from colleagues in my field to private equity management to technology sectors, and published in multiple formats.

The topics I speak on help adults and couples navigate the complexity of relationships, understand themselves better, and tackle difficult social issues in their daily lives. Popular topics include sexual consent, improving communication, and gender and sexuality.

By now, we all know our top "love languages", and we've tried (and failed at) a few new trends. Your audience is hungry for insights they can walk out with and implement immediately. Each topic I deliver is clearly explained with real-life examples, and broken down into digestible bites they can use to change their lives.


With all of the letters after my name, you might expect a talk from me to be filled with research, jargon, and repeated attempts to prove my intelligence, leaving the audience longing for their time back. The topics I speak on certainly have the potential to be confusing and sound like a preachy lecture.

But my presentation style couldn't be more different! I use my knowledge of psychology and the human experience to bring tough topics down to earth and into your audience's hands. I combine humor, metaphors, and storytelling to give the audience the answers they've been looking for to some of their most vulnerable needs.

Tackling adult topics takes an adult level of expertise but a child-like enthusiasm to do so, and I absolutely love my job. This love radiates through everything I do, and it is the secret ingredient that makes me an excellent, engaging presenter.

No matter what kind of help you need, I’m ready to help you find the success you deserve.